Write For Us

“Techno Timing” provides a platform for bloggers and businesses who want to share their thoughts through blogs or articles. As a guest writer, you all are open to writing articles, and blogs with us while we promote your content on our blog and social media pages. This will help you to get a vast audience to appreciate your work. 

Guest posting will be advantageous for you too, from getting backlinks that will support your website. You can update them to gain more audience, and followers for your work, and you will get an opportunity to connect with different bloggers. Guest posting is full of exposure.

We write about Digital Marketing, Technology, AI, apps, Social Media, Cybersecurity, Gaming, Robotics, Blockchain, etc.

So, anyone who has an interest is welcome. 

Before we make a deal, There are some vital points to consider: 

  • The article should have no copyrights, be original, and be free of grammatical errors. 
  • The minimum word limit is 1200 words. 
  • Trying to use at least one copyright-free picture, or provide credit to the source is a must in the article. 
  • Format the H1-H4 heading in paragraphs and bullets. 
  • While writing content aim to focus on keyword frequency of 1-2%. Use keywords or similar keywords for the content. Make the most of LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords to raise the ranking of your content. 
  • To gain more traffic use lower-competition keywords. 

Email us at (info.technotiming@gmail.com.) We promise to respond in 2-3  days as soon as we review your content.  For any queries email the same.