Terms & Conditions

Hello Everyone, “Techno Timing” welcomes you.

Before going any further, Let’s see how things work here.

Before using our website let’s make a deal that you agree to the terms and conditions of “Techno Timing”.

This site uses cookies to store stuff that you browse. Regular technical stuff, you don’t need to worry. Go through our privacy policy for detailed information.

Techno Timing” is the owner of the content that you see here. Claiming or using the content for your benefit is prohibited. Content on this website is for learning purposes only.

You can discuss your thoughts in our comment section. Please remember that whatever you write, try to keep it respectful and considerate to the law and others. There’s one thing, once you comment, you allow us to use your comments on the website.

Search engines, news websites, or other websites can link to us without hassle. But please refrain from claiming our content as yours, and please try to avoid claiming to affiliate with “Techno Timing”.

Here we are discussing website liability and linking policies.

Depending on the organization’s reputation, and record history, we will decide whether to approve the request to link. We require the company’s general information before approving the request.
We may approve the requests of businesses like charity groups, online directories, internet portals, consulting firms, educational institutions, and community organizations.

Organizations can link to the home page if it fits the context of their website, not misleading the users, and doesn’t include sponsorship. The organizations need to wait for 2-3 weeks and provide contact details and URL details link for a response.

When we approve organizations to use the content, they can use hyperlinks with their names and URLs to link to the content. Before using the logo please take permission from us.

Frames around the pages can change the visual presentation of the content, and we don’t allow that.

Protecting the contents of other sites is not our responsibility, and one should be ready to protect and defend in case of any false claim. Links should be legal and should not violate any rights of people.

We can change the terms or remove the links as requested. Once you link you agree to the terms and permit us to remove links on request.

In case of any offensive links, you can connect with us and request us to remove them. Please avoid removing or responding directly to the link.

We don’t take any responsibility for the content’s accuracy or completeness, nor do we confirm the regular updation of the website. We don’t ensure the site will always be operational.

This disclaimer excludes all representations, warranties, and conditions except those relating to personal inquiry, fraud, or other legal restrictions. As long the website is free we apply limitations.